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Shopping and enjoyment at Jøa

New things must be allowed to happen too.

Alltimat 24-Sju

Around the clock, you can buy groceries and other necessities when you are on Jøa. We aim to be a place where you can find familiar items and discover new ones. Our goal is to have what YOU need in our store.

Read more about Alltimat 24-Sju

Nærbutikken Seierstad

Nærbutikken is located by the Seierstad ferry dock and is staffed on weekdays. We have a cozy café called Paradis Kafé. It is open and self-service outside regular opening hours.

Read more about Nærbutikken

Farm shop at Dun Farm

We work with love for the soil, plants, animals, and people. Our goal is to produce the highest quality food, ensuring that both animals and people are well taken care of. We grow many different varieties of vegetables and potatoes, herbs, and other edible plants, and we get eggs from Icelandic chickens that roam freely in the forest by the stream. We are committed to living soil and have chosen to farm organically, without chemicals or artificial fertilizers.

Read more about the farm shop at Dun Farm

Seglloftet Jøa

Europe's leading square sail maker. Handcrafted goods for sale at Seglloftet. We produce and repair fabric and rope products.

Read more about Seglloftet here