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Life on the island of Jøa

Step by step to the top

Thorgeir Strøm
06.Jun 2024

Building the stairway

The steps are made in sections at Ola Bragstad's garage at the foot of Ramnfjellet. Lengths and degrees of incline are meticulously measured on the mountainside. The stair sections are systematically stored and eventually transported up the mountainside by helicopter for installation with fixtures in the rock. This will result in about 900 steps up Ramnfjellaksla and Ramnfjellet.

In parallel, Jøa IL is conducting volunteer work to improve traffic safety on Brakstadvegen. In positive dialogue with the road owner, Namsos Municipality, and the landowners, vegetation is being cleared to improve visibility in the obscured curve above the Ramnstad farm. Afterwards, an excavator from Elden gravel and machinery will remove the raised earth embankment on the side of the road. Jøa IL will also apply for reduced speed on the stretch from Hov to Brakstad in the first few days.

Thorgeir Strøm